A number of years ago, one of the coaches I was working with asked me to do what seemed like a simple exercise.
She wanted me to write down, in detail what my “Perfect Day” is going to be like once I am living the life that I want to be living.
At first this seemed like an easy thing to do, but once I started to actually think about this exercise it became a lot more complicated than I thought.
I started off by imagining the “perfect” way that I would want to wake up. Where would I be? What time would it be at? Who or what would wake me up? What would the temperature be like?
Then I tried to imagine what my “perfect” breakfast scenario would be. What would I want to eat? Who would I want to be there with me? Where would we be?
As I went through the day in my mind and tried to imagine the “perfect day”, I actually ended up getting more and more frustrated.
Well, because there are so many different things that I love doing, but trying to fit all of them into one “perfect day” was virtually impossible.
For example, I imagined that on my perfect day I would get private lessons in the martial art that I used to practice a few years ago. But then I also wanted to play some basketball with my friends. But if I had an intense martial arts workout that day, then basketball might be too much to do as well.
Unless of course those were the only things I was doing that day, but in my “perfect day” scenario they weren’t!
There were so many other things that I wanted to do, and it wasn’t trying to figure out which stuff to keep and which stuff to get rid of.
In the end I just couldn’t really come up with a “Perfect Day”. There were just too many different things I wanted to do, and not all of them were physically possible to be done all in one day.
So instead I decided to do something similar to the “Perfect Day” exercise, but without the limitations…
The Awesome Day Exercise
The Awesome Day Exercise is basically very similar to the “Perfect Day” exercise, except that with this exercise we are not limiting ourselves to “Perfection” nor are we limiting ourselves to just ONE DAY!
Essentially doing the Awesome Day Exercise simply involves writing down the details of what an “Awesome Day” in our lives might look like.
And the cool thing is that we can have MANY Awesome Days…
… meaning, I could sit down and write out an Awesome Day for me… describing every part of the day in as much detail as possible, but without having to limit myself to that Awesome Day being the ONLY “Day” that I get to manifest in my life.
So for example, let’s say that *ONE* “Awesome Day” for me might be to wake up in the morning, and spend the entire day with my wife watching a marathon of an awesome show or movie series we really enjoy.
I could go into more details but you get the idea.
ANOTHER Awesome Day for me might be training for 4-6 hours in Japan at a DOJO with the Grandmaster of the martial art I used to study.
See by setting up the rules of the exercise in this way, I am not limiting myself to just ONE supposedly “Perfect Day”.
Instead I am allowing my mind to open up my imagination and imagine many different “Awesome Days”.
Try this now…
How to Do the Awesome Day Exercise
Grab a piece of white paper and a blue pen, and at the top of the page write down “An Awesome Day in My Life”.
Then, below that, start writing “The day starts off at …”
And from there, just let your imagination run loose and try to write down as much detail as possible about this one Awesome Day that you’d love to experience.
As you’re doing this, keep in mind that ANYTHING is possible.
You do NOT have to limit yourself to things that are “realistic”.
Turn off the reasoning center of your brain and just let your imagination loose.
What time would you wake up?
What would you do then?
Would you eat breakfast? If so, what would you have? Who would be there? Where would you be?
What would you do right after breakfast? Who would you do it with?
Would you have lunch? If so, when? With whom? What would you have? Where would you have it ? Who would make it for you?
Try to write out as many details as possible of the entire day, trying to capture what you would be doing, who with, how you’d be feeling that day, what would you be feeling etc.
Why Do This?
Now you might be wondering what is the purpose of an exercise like this.
Firstly, it’s to ignite your imagination.
Secondly, it’s to program you subconscious mind with the images of what an Awesome Day might look like to you, so that your mind can begin to formulate a plan on how to manifest that.
Your subconscious mind is the most powerful supercomputer in the Universe, but it needs to be properly INSTRUCTED or PROGRAMMED in order to help you achieve what you want.
Without clarity and these images that your imagination will form as you write out your Awesome Day, it’s not easy for the mind to know what you want.
When I did this exercise a number of years ago, I was still working in the corporate world and one of my pet peeves at the time was that I had to wake up at 8am sharp each morning to make it into work on time.
So when I wrote out my “Awesome Day”, one of the details I put into my day was that I wake up WHEN I’M READY to wake up!
Not when some alarm clock goes off, but whenever I’m ready to get up. It doesn’t matter if that is 6am, or 8am or 8:30am, or 9am or 10am or whenever.
Whenever I feel rested enough to get up, that is when I wake up on my “Awesome Day”.
Also, I hate alarm clocks, so on one of my “Awesome Days” I imagined waking up around 9:30am or so, being awakened by one of my dogs coming into the bedroom and “gently” waking me up.
When I wrote this out years and years ago, it was more or less a fantasy, as there was no way I would be able to sleep in until 9:30am! I had to be up at 8am!
But today… as in this morning, and for many mornings in the last few years I’ve been living that “Awesome Day” description of my morning.
I wake up around 9am or 9:30am or 10:00am, just depending when I’m ready to get up, and in a lot of cases it is my dog that comes and wakes me up.
It happens all the time now.
Small details from my “Awesome Days” that I described and imagined have been manifesting, almost as if by magic, and often times I don’t even realize it until a while later when I remember what I wrote down.
Remember, I imagined it first.
Then I wrote it down in as much detail as possible.
Then it manifested!
Try it out. You’ll love the exercise.
Hi Paul!
This is a great exercise! I *really* like how you changed the word perfect to awesome. That instantly changed the energy surrounding it. I think if had stayed as “perfect” I wouldn’t have even done the exercise.
Thanks for sharing! I’m going to do this right now!
Perfection is an illusion. But Awesomeness…well, that’s just achievable!
This is awesome, thanks for sharing the exercise Paul. The distinction between one ‘perfect’ day and many ‘awesome’ days just flipped a major switch in my mind. I’m going to write out my Awesome Day.. on white paper and in blue pen 😉
“Awesome” post Paul,
I’ve been doing something similar for a while now, and you are soooo right ~ it totally works!
I have found that when you begin to define and expect your awesome days, no matter what they look like ‘exactly’, you can start getting out of bed with some enthusiasm, looking forward to your day.
Super cool that you are sharing this…