As a student of personal development techniques for over 20 years now, one of the most fundamental teachings I learned early on is that our beliefs shape our destiny.
As Napoleon Hill said “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
The challenge with beliefs, however is that over 99.999% of all the beliefs that we believe are stored at the subconscious level of our minds.
Meaning, we have all these beliefs about EVERYTHING we experience in our reality and we don’t even realize it because almost all of our beliefs are subconscious.
In fact, we now know that we were already born with subconscious beliefs passed down to us by our mothers while we were still in the womb.
Scientists around the world who study epigenetics have even been showing that some beliefs are passed down to us inside of our DNA through multiple generations!
So the “bad” news is that most of your beliefs are not even known to you, they live subconsciously in your subconscious mind, and a lot of them were formed before you were even born, and some of them were passed down to you from your genetic ancestors.
Then the vast majority of the rest of your beliefs were programmed into your mind after your birth, as you were growing up, by your parents, siblings, family, teachers, the mass media, school mates, and then later your bosses, co-workers, etc.
Only a very tiny percentage of your current beliefs were CONSCIOUSLY formed in your mind by YOU making a conscious decision to form that belief.
Isn’t that crazy?
This is why it’s so difficult for most people to create lasting change in their lives, because in order to make lasting changes in your life you have to make changes to your beliefs…
… and since at best you consciously formed maybe 0.01% of your beliefs (if that), how can you expect to consciously CHANGE beliefs that you didn’t consciously CREATE in the first place?
So then what can we do?
What is PSYCH-K ?
PSYCH-K is a set of principles and processes which were designed to change subconscious beliefs that limit the expression of the full potential of a person.
Essentially, PSYCH-K allows us to gain access to the subconscious mind and to balance out any subconscious beliefs that are holding a person back from achieving whatever goal they are seeking to achieve.
Since our subconscious beliefs affect every area of our lives from our health to our relationships to our business and financial situation, PSYCH-K can be used to better virtually every area of our lives.
Personally I’ve been using PSYCH-K in my life for about 7 years now.
I started off by working with a trained PSYCH-K practitioner to help me balance out and eliminate certain blocks that were holding me back 7 years ago.
Then about 5 years ago I decided to learn how to do PSYCH-K myself and ended up getting trained and certified as both a PSYCH-K Basic and Advanced practitioner.
Since then I’ve been using PSYCH-K in my life on a consistent basis.
For example, this afternoon I had a rather frustrating situation unfold…
… my wife bought a new car last week, and this afternoon we were leaving the house to meet with the buyer of her old car to do the transfer of ownership…
… and as I walked out the door to get in her old car I realized I didn’t have the keys in my pocket, where I assumed they were.
I went back in the house and looked in the usual spot where I leave them – but they weren’t there.
So then I looked in the other two or three spots where I usually leave the keys, and once again they weren’t there.
Then my wife and I spent 20-30 minutes turning the house upside down looking for the keys!
They were nowhere to be found.
I checked every pocket of every article of clothing that I wore since last week, when we last drove the car.
I even went as far as pulling out the wet clothing inside my washing machine to make sure they weren’t inside one of the pockets of the clothes in the washer!
I moved furniture around to make sure the cats didn’t push the keys underneath the couch or something.
I mean we looked EVERYWHERE, and then we looked again in the same spots just to make sure we didn’t miss them.
Then as our frustration grew, I decided to stop and to grab my PSYCH-K binder and to do a PSYCH-K balance on the situation…
… because in the last 10 years we MAY have lost the keys in the house maybe once or twice and even then we found them in less than 5 minutes, so this was definitely an unusual situation…
… and I wanted to make sure that there wasn’t any kind of subconscious limiting beliefs stopping us from selling our old car!
Now, you might be wondering how could your subconscious mind stop you from selling your old car…
… well think of it like this…. did you know that a trained hypnotist can hypnotize someone and while in a hypnotic trance they can state a suggestion where they tell the person under hypnosis to not be able to see a physical object once they come out of hypnosis…
… and when that person comes out of hypnosis, they literally can NOT see what is right in front of their eyes!
Or have you ever been looking for something and couldn’t find it, and then another person walks into the room you’re in and points out that the object you’re looking for is right in front of your eyes?
Ever have that happen to you?
Well, that is the power of your subconscious mind. It can literally make you BLIND to physical objects. You just don’t notice them.
So I wanted to make sure that these car keys we were missing weren’t sitting right in front of us the whole time, while we were turning the house upside down.
I sat down and did a PSYCH-K session with myself really quickly, and I ended it by closing my eyes and just meditating for about 5 seconds.
While I had my eyes closed, I waited to receive a signal from my mind as to where to look.
Almost instantly I got the feeling / knowingness to go and look in our bedroom at the corner of the bed.
I went there and looked on the floor, trying to see if the keys somehow slid underneath the bed or to see if maybe the cats dragged them under there.
As I sat there for a second, I felt a little betrayed because I was SURE that they were supposed to be there.
The feeling I got was unmistakable. I didn’t understand. Why were the keys not in the spot that I somehow KNEW they were supposed to be after doing my PSYCH-K session and meditation?
Then I realized that in order to check the corner spot by the bed I had to move a laundry basket out of the way…
… could they somehow be in the laundry basket?
But I had already looked in there, and why would they be in the laundry basket anyways!?
I checked anyways… I pulled a layer of clothes out of the basket, slowly lifting each piece of clothing to see if maybe the keys were there…
and when I removed about 40% of the clothes from the basket, the keys were just laying there on top of the clothes…
… not inside a pocket or anything, but just as if someone PUT them there and then piled on a bunch of clothing overtop.
It made absolutely no sense for them to be there.
I still have no idea how they got there.
But what I do know is that we spent around 30 minutes looking for those keys and had no clue where they were…
… and then I used PSYCH-K to eliminate any subconscious blocks stopping me from finding them, and within about 30-60 seconds I had the keys in my hand.
That is the power of PSYCH-K.
Now, some people might say…“Oh yeah, well that’s a co-incidence.”
Seven years ago I would have probably said the same thing…
But today, after having used PSYCH-K in my life hundreds, if not thousands of times in the last 5 years I have zero doubt that PSYCH-K works as there is absolutely no way that all the experiences I had with PSYCH-K could all be co-incidences and blind luck.
I don’t know how PSYCH-K works, but I do know it works.
If you’ve never heard of PSYCH-K, I’d recommend looking into it.
It’s a really cool modality that has a very positive, transformational effect on people’s lives.
It’s not just for finding keys, by the way. 🙂
That’s just an example from how I used PSYCH-K in my personal life TODAY!
I have hundreds of other stories as well, but I don’t want to this blog post to be 10,000 words long, otherwise I’d share some other cool stories of how I used it in my life.
Also when using it with my clients, I’ve helped a lot of people make very quick transformations in their lives which they previously struggled with for years prior to using PSYCH-K.
If you’re ever interested in experiencing PSYCH-K for yourself, both my wife and I are practitioners.
To learn more you can check out my “Services” page or my wife’s website here.
Or if you’d prefer to become a certified practitioner of PSYCH-K yourself, you can find a listing of teachers in your local area here.
If you live in the Greater Vancouver area, I recommend my teacher Sandra Wallin if you’d like to get certified.
Awesome post Paul. There’s no doubt that the subconscious mind is a very powerful tool, it’s our second sight that guides us and is oh so powerful. Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome Keith.