There’s a really simple and very effective way to become a better marketer that almost all of us overlook.
Have you ever gone to the store and bought some sort of new product after seeing a commercial for it on TV or on the Internet?
Of course you have.
We’re bombarded with advertising all the time.
We see something on TV one day, and a few days later we find ourselves at the store seeing that same item and we think “Oh, it’s that thing…hmmm…” and we end up buying it.
From the cars we drive, to the vacuum cleaner we use, to the food that we eat… our decisions are influenced by advertising / marketing.
There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just the way we are wired…
… and the marketing industry spends BILLIONS of dollars to research and produce some of the most effective advertising ever created in the history of humanity.
However… not all advertising / marketing works.
There are many products which we don’t buy even when they are advertised to us, and even if we are their target market.
So what is the difference between products that we do purchase after seeing their marketing, versus products that we do not purchase after seeing their marketing?
Well, that is exactly where this one simple trick to becoming a better marketer comes in.
To become a better marketer, start going through the marketing and advertising ads for the products that you purchase!
For example, let’s say that you recently bought a new car.
Go on YouTube and search for ads for that specific make and model of car and try to remember which of those ads you may have seen on TV or at a movie theater or on the Internet.
Once you find some ads, WATCH them carefully.
Think about it… those ads may have played a key role in your decision to buy that car.
I know we all like to pretend like we’re not influenced by advertising / marketing, but the truth is that we all are…
… and you can learn a LOT about marketing simply by consciously making the decision to go back and watch ads for products which we decided to buy.
If you buy a new video game, because you think it’s going to be awesome, go back and try to re-watch some of the ads you saw for that video game and try to see which parts of these ads really resonated with you.
If you buy a new vacuum cleaner, or a new blender, or a new type of food at the supermarket, do some research to see what kind of ads you may have seen for those products.
You may start to notice that the products you buy all tend to use similar marketing tactics, such as for example they might use a lot of humor to sell…
… or maybe the ads are very logic based, offering up a lot of facts and statistics…
… or maybe the ads share a common thread of being rebellious and going against the norm…
Have you ever bought a product that was sold through an infomercial?
Jump on YouTube and search for that infomercial for that product and see which parts resonate with you the most.
Learn from that.
Also, when you buy products based on recommendations from family and friends, after you buy a product ask yourself what exactly did you friends and family tell you about the product to help you make the decision to buy that product?
When you start to study these trends of advertisements, marketing pieces and personal recommendations related to the products you buy, it will help you to better understand what factors influence YOUR buying decisions…
… and then that will also help you to better understand your target market for whatever products or services you are selling, since the majority of us tend to sell products and services to people who are very similar to ourselves. π
Try it out now.
Look around your house or just think about a new product you recently purchased.
Then, jump on YouTube and see if you can dig up any ads for that product that you might have seen.
Watch the ad and ask yourself what you liked best about that ad.
If you bought something recently after watching an online video, or by clicking on an online banner… try to track those down again and see what you like about them.
Leave a comment below and let me know what you’ve discovered after trying this out.
This one simple trick can have a HUGE impact on helping you to better understand what makes YOU and YOUR target audience tick.
Hey, Paul!
Iβve recently come across your YouTube account and found your videos about blogging very useful and inspiring, as Iβm also a blogger but I concentrate on a Russian audience. I live in UK but I originally come from Russia and I can clearly say that most of the Russian guru sell the stuff youβre teaching for free.
Also Paul, I have a question, where is your surname coming from? π
Hi Eli, I’m originally from Poland. We used to be practically neighbors. I’m glad you’re getting great value from my Blog (for free). π