I saw an awesome video today from Gary Vaynerchuk that really resonated with me. It’s very short and to the point.
The attitude he expresses in this video is so important and especially relevant to Bloggers.
Check it out here and then read on further below…
Gary’s talking about doing interviews with people who you would think he has outgrown as a brand, and who his publicists think he’s crazy for even spending his time with.
He has been on Conan and Ellen and so many shows with HUGE audiences, but there’s something that Gary realizes…
… it’s one of those little “secrets” to success…
… and that is that it doesn’t matter if the content you produce – whether it be interviews, videos, blog posts or whatever – is seen by 100,000 viewers or 10 viewers.
Because when you look at these stats, like on Facebook or YouTube or on your Blog, the NUMBERS that you see are NOT NUMBERS – THEY’RE PEOPLE!
Human beings.
I’ve had some of my blog posts blow up and get 25,000+ visitors in one day.
I’ve also written blog posts that took hours to complete and then only got 50 or 100 visitors, zero shares and no comments.
The thing is though that those 50 or 100 visitors are human beings – people!
And sometimes with just one blog post, or video, you can LITERALLY change someone’s life forever.
And you may not even know about it, because not everyone who reads your content or watches your videos is going to message you and let you know how you changed their life.
I’ve met people on trips I’ve went on who I didn’t even realize were long-term readers of my blog, who told me in person that something I had written years prior to us meeting had a profound effect on their life.
In today’s world, where we have the ability to connect with millions, even billions of people using the Internet, and where big numbers like 50,000 views or 1 million views, or 10,000 followers seem like measures of success, we have to realize that it’s not just about the numbers.
It’s about one human being connecting with another human being.
It’s YOU reading this right now in YOUR present moment, and ME writing it right now in MY present moment.
A one to one connection.
A chance to change a life.
And what I like about Gary’s video is that he talks about the power of understanding that doing that ONE interview, regardless of who it is and how big their audiences is, is better than doing ZERO interviews.
The same thing can be said about Blog posts.
Writing ONE Blog post, is better than writing ZERO blog posts.
I’m currently participating in the 21 Day Blogging Challenge, and our goal is to write one Blog post per day for 21 days.
Want to know a little secret though?
I don’t even look at it that way. I don’t think about writing one blog post per day for 21 days or even 7 days in a row…. all I ever think about is writing ONE BLOG POST…That’s it.
Only once I’m finished writing that ONE post, and I publish it and send it out… only then I think about writing ONE MORE blog post.
That’s all I ever do…just focus on ONE.
P.s. If you’d like to see what it feels like to be a Blogger, and publish your FIRST Blog post, I highly recommend checking out the Kalatu Brand Station. It can help you get your first blog post written and published today. Not only does it completely eliminate any technology barriers to setting up a world-class blog, it also coaches you on exactly what to do in order to write your first blog post today.
Really love this video. I resonate with it so much. I am a depth guy. 1 is greater than 0!!!
Yeah, Gary really nails it in this one.