In my almost 9 years as a blogger, I don’t think I have ever once written a rant post.
Until now.
I don’t usually like ranting, as I prefer to focus on solutions instead of pointing out and ranting about things that piss me off…
However, I want to create a more authentic and more transparent connecting with you, my audience, just as if you were to spend a week at my house and we were hanging out.
My friend Chris, he actually lost his crappy job in Alberta a few years ago, phoned me and I told him to get in his car and drive down to my place in British Columbia and I would let him stay at my place and teach him how to be an entrepreneur.
He showed up, slept on my couch and ended up living here for a few months until he got back up on his feet, moved out on his own and now embraces the entrepreneurial lifestyle, and he loves it.
So he actually DID get to spend 1-on-1 time with me, not just for a week, but for a few months and he got to know the authentic me, and I think he learned a lot about what it really takes to be an entrepreneur who works from home.
He saw how I deal with things, how I process things, how I accomplish things, and how I sometimes do rant about certain things that just drive me nuts.
I’ve never really felt inspired to rant about anything on my Blog, until today…
… and when I say “today” I really mean “tonight” because right now it’s 1:24 am.
Why am I still up at 1:24 am?
Rant #1 – Decision Making
Because I am an entrepreneur and at the beginning of this year I set a goal to write a blog post every day, and I’m not allowed to go to sleep until I write my post.
I am allowed to make the decision to STOP blogging daily if I want to, but until that decision is made, I have to blog every day.
This is how Entrepreneurship works.
You make decisions. And then you FOLLOW THROUGH on those decisions.
You don’t WUSS OUT because you’re tired and it would be much easier to go to sleep.
I have a *really* nice and comfy king sized bed with a pillow top and memory foam on top of that. When I lie down in my bed, it feels like I’m floating on a cloud of softness, while at the same time having every part of my body perfectly supported with the exact perfect amount of firmness all at the same time.
When I lie down in my bed, I swear I sometimes hear Angels sing – THAT’S how comfortable that sucker is!
So why the hell am I sitting here in my office, writing this Blog post, instead of sleeping in my comfy bed?
Because I made the DECISION to do this, and real entrepreneurs follow through on their decisions.
Broke people do the opposite.
First of all, it takes them 10 years to even MAKE a decision in the first place… they’re SO indecisive it’s not even funny. They can’t even decide what they’re going to drink with their meal at a restaurant. They have to tell the waitress to come back because they need to make sure they make the right decision. Jeezus, make a fricken decision already!
And then, after they’ve taken 10 years to make a decision about anything, they change their mind 100 times, flip flopping back and forth.
Successful people make decisions QUICKLY and then very seldom do they change their minds. Broke people make decisions very slowly, and then change their mind very often.
I’m convinced this is because successful people are in tune with their intuition and they TRUST it as it never steers them wrong.
Broke people are always trying to make “logical” or “rational” decisions, by trying to weigh the facts.
Logical and rational decisions are almost impossible to make because there is too much data involved in making such a decision and at any given time, when you think you have analyzed all the proper data required to make a proper “logical/rational” decision, chances are that you’re still missing 90% of the truth.
Intuition is different. You tune into your Higher Self – your gut feeling – your “sixth-sense” if you want to call it that, and you FEEL your way to the right decision.
When I say “FEEL” I’m not referring to emotion by the way. Emotions can be manipulated, but your intuition / gut feeling will always guide you in the right direction.
This leads me to the second thing that drives me nuts…
Rant #2 – People With “Situational” Spiritual Beliefs
I love people who have strong spiritual beliefs.
I also love people who have strong atheistic beliefs who are more “scientifically” minded, I guess we could say.
I find it easy to communicate with both of these types of people because to me a highly evolved understanding of spirituality and a highly evolved understanding of science are pretty much the same thing.
You just have to switch a few vocabulary words around and I can have a meaningful conversation with both types of people.
The people that I find annoying are those who have what I call “Situational” spiritual beliefs.
Meaning, in certain situations such as at Church on a Sunday, when they are surrounded by their social circles, they pretend to be “spiritual” by participating in the Religious ceremonies and traditions and reading from the Bible and listening to the preacher preach… and it’s all good…
… but then Monday comes around and they all of a sudden become “Atheists” at work, because all of a sudden they’ve decided to go all “scientific” in front of their friends or co-workers.
The same thing goes for a lot of people in the New Age circles.
You know the ones who believe in one form of energy healing, for example Reiki, and they accept the spiritual nature of it without any issues, but then when they’re presented with another form of healing such as … oh I don’t know… acupuncture for example, they say things like “Oh I don’t know about acupuncture… isn’t it just a placebo?”
So wait, you believe in Reiki energy having the ability to flow through the hands of a practitioner and heal someone, but you don’t believe that acupuncture could work? Huh?
Or for that matter, people who believe in certain types of Religious faith healers, but who don’t believe that something like Reiki would be possible.
Heck, Jesus healed with his hands, so to me it makes no sense for someone to believe that Jesus existed and that he healed people with his hands, but then to not believe in something like Reiki.
To me, it doesn’t intellectually compute!
Pick a side…you either believe in things like intuition, spirituality, faith, Universal energy, Law of Attraction, God etc. – OR – you don’t believe in anything that can’t be measured scientifically.
Flip flopping back and forth, just depending on who you’re around and who you’re trying to impress in the social circle you’re in doesn’t make sense.
Rant #3 – Responsibility
Although I am not perfect at this, I strive to take 100% responsibility for co-creating everything in my life.
Not 90%, not 99%, but 100% of EVERYTHING.
When things are going well, I take 100% responsibility for that.
When things are not going well, I take 100% responsibility for that as well.
One of my pet peeves is when people are quick to take ownership of all the GOOD things they manifest in their lives, but as soon as something happens that they didn’t want to happen, they go looking for someone OUT THERE to blame.
Blaming things “out there” without simultaneously taking responsibility for manifesting the situations “out there” robs you of your true power.
We are all co-creators in this reality, and we are all responsible for what we bring into it.
What this also means is that the very things that I’m ranting about in this post, I take 100% responsibility for co-creating them in my life as well.
Maybe this post is my way of releasing some of this energy surrounding these issues. 🙂
Rant #4 – Trolls and Haters
I was doing some research for my wife’s business today and I ended up on a Reiki website.
I read parts of the article that I landed on, and then I scrolled down to the comments section.
Most of the comments were positive, but there were a few comments on there from people who were bashing Reiki…
I have no problem if someone doesn’t believe in Reiki… but what I don’t get is WHY would someone go out of their way to go and FIND a Reiki website, and then to go through the hassle of reading an article about Reiki, just to post stupid, mean, nasty comments about Reiki as a practice.
I don’t get it. Don’t these people have better things to do with their lives?
I mean, I don’t particularly enjoy shopping at Walmart. Something about the energy of the store just doesn’t resonate with me, so I hardly ever shop at Walmart.
I don’t like it.
BUT, I don’t get in my car, and drive to Walmart, and then go inside and walk around screaming “Walmart Sucks! Walmart Sucks!”
What the hell would be the point of that?
I also don’t like macaroni and cheese, but if I see it on the menu at a restaurant, I don’t jump out of my seat and start yelling “Macaroni and Cheese sucks!” to all the customers!
Only idiots would do that…
… but for some reason, when it comes to website comments, people seem to have this need to run around visiting websites of things they don’t like, just to leave nasty comments about those things.
LOL…why waste your time? I don’t understand this behaviour.
Actually, I just remembered an article I read a while back. Apparently a recent study concluded that Internet Trolls are actually narcissists, psychopaths and sadists.
Well, okay, I guess that explains it.
Moving on…
Rant #5 – America’s Communist Slant
I was born in Poland, which was a communist country when I lived there.
My family and I immigrated to Canada when I was a little kid, because we wanted freedom and to no longer be under communist government rule.
Although I didn’t experience communism to the level that my parents did since I was just a kid, I do know that it SUCKS…
It literally SUCKS the ambition out of people.
In the 1980’s and 90’s any time you would turn on the TV, most of American programming was focused on bashing the Russians and their communist ways.
People looked at countries like Russia and China, under communist rule, and they were amazed that the people within these countries didn’t understand that communism doesn’t work.
Fast forward to 2015, and America seems to have adopted so many communist views that it’s mind-boggling.
The American Dream has been replaced with an entitlement mentality.
As an entrepreneur I don’t understand this.
Rant #6 – Uggs
They’re ugly.
The people who wear them aren’t ugly people, but they’re just wearing ugly boots.
Sorry…it’s true.
I don’t get why so many girls wear these.
I’ve never met a guy who thought that they looked good on any girl wearing them.
I don’t get it…why would women wear these?
Unless… maybe girls know that Uggs are super ugly, BUT they put them on and they’re just as comfortable as my king sized pillow-top bed with memory foam… and the epic comfort outweighs their epic ugg-liness?
Maybe that’s why girls wear them… because its like walking on a pillow-top bed.
What do you think?
Speaking of bed, it’s time for me to hit mine.
Your best work yet Paul. As for America, we are all entitled to mistakes. If a liar promises everyone Disneyland and you still get the Ghetto, you must take responsibility for the liar. I didn’t vote for the liar either time, but plenty of “his people” showed up so they could get their fake passes to Disneyland. btw, have you seen his popularity ratings? America is a free market society. In 2017, hopefully, the foolish socialists that voted for the liar in chief have been awakened. Perhaps that’s a good thing.
By the way, does your bed disperse your body heat? I’ve heard that can be a drawback to memory foam and I’m in the market for a king size bed.
Ace- the memory foam topper we have that sits on the mattress has a gel material in it which dispurses the heat. It is awesome!
I like a cold room and to be cool when I sleep…this topper works great!! We bought it at Costco
Did you buy the entire mattress at Costco or just the foam overlay?
We got our mattress somewhere else, so just the foam overlay. However, just the other day our local Costco had mattresses on sale as well. 🙂