Just before the new year started I had some time to sit down and really think about what I believe would be my best strategy for making money online in 2015 and beyond.
I looked back over the last 20 years of my life as an entrepreneur and the last 8 years as a blogger, affiliate marketer, network marketer etc., and I realized that my strategy up to this point has looked something like this:
Basically, when I started Blogging in 2006 I focused on that for a period of time and didn’t really do much else in terms of making money online as I was still very much working full time in the corporate world.
In early 2008 I got more serious about making money as a Blogger and started to build up my monthly blogging income to making several thousand dollars a month.
Then I decided to put the majority of my focus on affiliate marketing with PPC traffic, as I wanted to be able to quit the corporate world by the end of 2008.
By January 2009 I left the corporate world and focused entirely on affiliate marketing with some sporadic blogging from time to time.
As my affiliate income started to grow I started to get excited as it was growing so much faster than the income I made from blogging.
Then in November 2009 Google pulled the plug on affiliate marketing via their Pay-per click Google Adwords system and banned over 100,000 affiliates, including me.
My affiliate income basically disappeared overnight.
I went back to blogging for a short period of time, now having to re-build consistency with my blog and me readers.
Then, I decided to try doing affiliate marketing using SEO strategies.
That didn’t really work out too well, so I went back to blogging again…. once again having to re-build consistency and re-build my following.
Then I decided to try getting back into network marketing for a period of time.
When that didn’t work out with the company I was with, I decided to go back to blogging again – having to re-build consistency yet again!
Basically, over the 8 years that I’ve been a blogger I’ve started and stopped blogging on a consistent basis more times than I can count.
During certain period of time I’ve written daily blog posts for a month straight, and at other times I didn’t write a single blog post for a month.
Essentially I’ve been very inconsistent with my blogging audience and my email list.
Having said that, I still managed to build a following of over 10,000 email subscribers with my Blog, but in hindsight that list would probably be 10 – 20 times bigger if I just remained consistent!
I was still able to achieve my goal of being able to leave my corporate job behind in 2009 and to make a six-figure income from the comfort of my own home, but I probably COULD be making a 7-figure or even an 8-figure income if I did things differently.
(Income disclaimer – Results not typical. Just because I make a six-figure income from home doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed to also. See my income disclaimer below.)
Modeling Successful Online Marketers
When I sat down and documented what I have done to try to analyze what has worked for me really well and what hasn’t, I also did a careful analysis of some of the top income earners that I know who are making 7 and 8 figure incomes online.
They all made money online using different methods, however there emerged one single pattern that virtually all of them followed – with rare exception.
Pretty much all of them are doing one of two things:
#1 – Blogging daily, or at the very least 5 days a week.
#2 – Emailing their list daily, or at the very least 5 days a week.
If you look at virtually every successful marketer online, they are all doing ONE of these two things OR BOTH!
I’ve been a blogger for over 8 years, but I’ve never done ONE or BOTH of those things CONSISTENTLY for more than a month or so at a time.
That is the difference!
So, based on this, my NEW strategy for 2015 and beyond looks like this:
Basically what I’m planning on doing is to create a foundation of Blogging and/or emailing my list every single day or at the very least 5 days a week.
That is PRIMARY and mandatory for my business.
If I do nothing else, I want to stick to blogging and/or emailing my list every single day.
See, by doing that, by creating valuable content every single day, I *KNOW* that my online income will skyrocket at some point – it’s just a matter of time.
On top of that layer of daily blogging and/or emailing my list daily, the second later on top of that is embracing network marketing on a more consistent basis over a longer period of time.
I’ve kind of had a love/hate relationship with network marketing, mostly because I didn’t really understand it properly like I do now.
I didn’t know how to produce results in network marketing on a consistent basis or how to build a team long term.
Also it took me a long time to find a network marketing company with a product that I’m passionate about.
So now I also plan on being way more consistent with network marketing BUT it still comes second to Blogging which is my primary foundation.
See, once I’ve got my solid foundation of daily blogging and/or emailing my list every day, THEN I can pursue the many different income streams that show up in my life.
All those things are ON TOP of my foundation of Blogging.
Meaning, if I want to promote an affiliate offer that I’m super excited about, I can do that – AFTER I write my Blog post for the day and/or email my list.
If I learn some new Facebook traffic strategy, I can do that – AFTER I write my Blog post for the day and/or email my list.
If I want to take a paycation (vacation where you make money while vacationing!), I can do that – AND I can blog about it at the same time.
If I learn some new SEO strategy that I want to try out, I can do that – AFTER I write my Blog post for the day and/or email my list.
New exercise program? Sure, I can do that, and Blog about it.
Basically, instead of bouncing around from strategy to strategy, making money online using all these different methods and then getting frustrated if something doesn’t work out or the environment changes on me and trying to go back to blogging again, now I’m just going to Blog on a consistent basis and just do all those other things ON TOP of Blogging.
See, long term I know with 100% certainty that if I just blog daily and communicate with my followers on a regular basis, I will achieve all my financial goals – period, end of story.
Why Not Just Blog Daily and That’s It?
Some of you might then think to yourself “Well if you already know that you’ll reach all your financial goals just by blogging, then why bother with all those other things anyways?”
That’s a great question, and I actually know some people who have tried doing that.
They just said to themselves “I’m just going to blog every day, and I’m not going to get involved or even look at ANY other systems out there, or any other ways of making money online, or network marketing or anything else…I’ll just Blog every day and make money by blogging.”
Without exception, EVERY single one of those people did NOT succeed as Blogger.
BECAUSE they ran out of things to Blog about!
See, Blogging is an amazing tool for personal development and learning how to communicate and for building a long-term online income – BUT – if the ONLY thing you ever do in your life is sit in front of your computer and Blog, you’ll run out of content!
And you’ll most likely have a really hard time attracting and maintaining an audience as your Blog will be BORING and all based on theory.
See, one of the reasons that I’ve been able to build a following of over 10,000 email subscribers with my Blog is because I’m ALWAYS trying out new things, testing out new things, and then Blogging about my results or the lack of results.
When I try a new diet and I Blog about it, people are interested because they’re curious to see if the diet actually works!
Even if they’re not trying to lose weight right now in their life, they’ll follow along because they want to know if the strategy works just in case they ever want to lose weight later on in their life.
And when I try out a new income stream, they want to know how it’s working for me.
So they tune in and read my Blog posts.
This is why I believe that Blogging is an awesome foundational strategy for making money online long term, but it has to be coupled with actually LIVING LIFE and BEING AN ENTREPRENEUR.
If the ONLY thing you’re doing is sitting at home and Blogging, pretty soon all your posts are just about Blogging.
I see many people making this mistake.
They start a Blog and their Blog’s topic is “Blogging”.
They write their first 5 or 10 posts talking about “How to make money with your Blog”, where they share 5 to 10 things THEY just learned about Blogging.
Nothing wrong with that.
But then, after 5 or 10 posts, they run out of things to say as nothing else is happening!
See, I *LOVE* the fact that I’m a scanner type personality where I’m always trying out new things, looking at new income streams, going to different events, trying out new personal development strategies, taking on new hobbies, meeting new people, etc.
By doing all of those things, I have a TONNE of content for my Blog for years to come!
I NEVER run out of things to Blog about, because there’s always something new I’m learning and some area in my life that I’m growing in and it’s a lot of FUN for me to share what I learn with others.
If you’ve struggled to make money online and jumped around from system to system, from strategy to strategy, trying out blogging here and there for short periods of time like I have in the past, you may want to consider making the decision that I made to get SERIOUS about consistent blogging.
Even if you’re a TOTAL BEGINNER, if you start TODAY, one year from now you could have over 360 articles/blog posts written on your site, you could be an established authority and a recognized name online and you could have a sizable online residual income growing.
If you’re interested in doing that, I invite you to join my team at Empower Network and start blogging today!
One year from now, you’ll be VERY GLAD you did!
Good point about the blogging and running out of things to say Paul.
I have a hard time thinking that you or I could ever run out of things to say (lol), but I do agree with your post.
I will have to implement some of that in mine as well, thank you