Today I decided to do a quick update on my progress with my “Manifesting Diet and Fitness Plan”.
It has now been 73 days since I started this plan on April 20th.
My main goal was to create and follow a plan which would allow me to lose approximately 65 lbs of fat, and to get stronger and more fit physically, while at the same time integrating this diet and fitness plan into my entrepreneurial lifestyle in a way which enhances my ability to make money with my business.
In other words, I want to lose fat, get fit, and do it without it taking over my entire life and distracting me from building my online business.
Here’s a chart of my progress so far:
So as of this morning, so far I have lost 8.4 lbs of fat.
I’m actually quite surprised by this number as I really don’t feel like I’ve been dieting at all.
I’m been eating pretty much the same foods I’ve always eaten.
There are only three main changes that I’ve made.
Firstly, I’ve replaced about 50-70% of my soda/pop drinking with these healthy vitamin/mineral drinks which I just love:
Previously when I would be thirsty and would have a craving for a bit of sugar and/or caffeine, I would usually turn to drinking a can of Coke or having some black tea with sugar, but now instead I turn to these drinks.
Secondly, I’ve been doing a lot more exercise by working with my personal trainers from Ivanco Fitness as well as working outside doing landscaping work on my yard.
Thirdly, I’ve been doing some PSYCH-K subconscious belief balancing and visualization work to help me visualize my new body and to program my mind to help attain it.
To help me with my visualizations and with tracking my progress I actually find it a lot easier to plot my weight on a chart, rather than just looking at a number, as a line graph shows me a trend over time.
Here’s what that chart looks like:
It’s pretty easy to see that even though my weigh fluctuates day to day, I am on a downward trend with my weight which which is pretty exciting.
In fact, based on my current stats, I’m currently losing 0.12 lbs of fat per day on average, and at this pace I should be able to reach my target weight of 177.5 lbs by November 27th, 2016 assuming I maintain this pace.
I know that’s more than a year away from now, but that’s only if I continue to do what I’ve been doing so far with my diet – which hasn’t been much. 🙂
If I want to speed the process up I could add in some more changes to my diet which would help me to reduce my fat much faster, but even if I did nothing more than I’m doing now it’s still really exciting to see that I will eventually hit my target.
And what’s probably more exciting about this than any other diet / fitness program I’ve been on in the past, is that I can actually see myself sticking with this plan indefinitely.
This is not a radical / fast / drastic weight loss plan where I make huge changes to everything I do and then 3 months from now end up quitting and going back to my old habits.
This is a program that I think I can EASILY follow.
It’s not hard replacing a few sodas a day with some healthier drinks, and I’m quite enjoying my workouts with my personal trainers, so I can see myself sticking with this long term which is something I could never really say about any other diet / fitness programs I’ve been on.
Awesome progress Paul, keep it up its all about Persistence!
Awesome update Paul! This is very inspiring!!
Keep up the great work!
Awesome progress Paul. Good to see the results are consistent. Thanks for the update and inspiration.