One of the key concepts that I learned in the last couple of years from my Law of Attraction training is the concept of the “Radar Screen”.
A “Radar Screen” in terms of Law of Attraction teachings is a metaphorical concept to help us understand how the Universe manifests things in our lives.
Let me explain the basics.
Imagine a radar screen like this:
Imagine that EVERYTHING in your conscious awareness, like all the things that you can see in your life and hear and touch and experience with your senses is represented by the round radar screen in this picture.
All of the ideas and know-how and beliefs and experiences that you’ve already had in your life are also all part of this round, green radar screen.
Now, what’s important to realize about your Radar Screen is that what you are consciously aware of, the things that are on your radar screen, is NOT the entire Universe.
Meaning, the Universe is actually MUCH bigger than your Radar Screen.
See, what the Universe sees on it’s Radar Screen is infinitely bigger than what you see because the Universe’s Radar Screen extends out in every direction to infinity.
So the first thing we need to realize is that what we see on OUR Radar Screen is less than 1% of what the Universe sees on its Radar Screen.
In fact, it would be more accurate to say that your Radar Screen is more like this:
Even in this picture the size of your Radar Screen is way too big.
I just had to keep it at least visible so that it would show up in the picture, but just imagine that the green screen is your Radar Screen and all the blue space around it is the Universe’s Radar Screen and it extends out to infinity in every direction.
How The Things We Manifest Show Up on The Radar Screen
We are creative beings.
We create everything that we experience in our reality.
However, not everything that we have created is currently on our Radar Screen.
For example, let’s say that you create the desire to manifest a new car in your life and you apply the Law of Attraction techniques that you have learned over the years.
What actually happens is that the means and the process of you getting that car that you want instantly appears on the Universe’s Radar Screen.
In fact every real desire that you have already exists on the Universe’s Radar Screen as soon as you desire it.
You couldn’t desire something if it didn’t already appear on the Universe’s Radar Screen somewhere.
So let’s say that you create a strong desire for a new car. Here is how it would appear on the Universe’s Radar Screen:
Notice how the car already exists on the Universe’s Radar Screen – BUT – it is NOT yet visible on YOUR Radar Screen?
In fact, if we zoomed in and were to look at nothing but YOUR Radar Screen, we would simply see this:
The car is NOT visible yet on YOUR Radar Screen.
What does this mean?
What this means is that the MEANS, and the RESOURCES and the PEOPLE and IDEAS and EVENTS necessary for the manifestation of the car in your life are NOT yet 100% known to you.
You might know a few of the details with a little bit of clarity, but the “HOW” of how you’re going to actually manifest the new car that you want might still be pretty fuzzy.
In fact you might have absolutely no idea how the heck you’re going to manifest a new car.
Maybe you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck and you have no room in your budget for a new car payment and you have no idea how you’d go about making more money.
You might have no reasonable / logical reason to believe that you’ll be able to manifest the new car that you want any time soon because you can’t see it on YOUR Radar Screen.
However, because YOU desire it, the Universe already has it on the Universal Radar Screen.
It already knows exactly the means, resources, people, ideas and events that are necessary to bring about the manifestation of that car in your life.
The plan is already set in place and the car is on it’s way TO YOU.
You just don’t know it yet, because you can’t see it on YOUR Radar Screen.
The thing is that IF you stick to that desire, and you focus your energy on it and you continue to desire it, the Universe will start sending you little intuitive hints about the direction that you need to go in, in order to bring about the manifestation of that car in your life.
For example, it might introduce you to a new opportunity to make some extra money working from home – outside of your regular day job.
Or maybe it will bring about some new information and ideas in the form of blog posts like this one, or eBooks, or videos or training courses that can help you out.
Or maybe it will place people into your life path that will help manifest that new car that you desire.
Or maybe new ideas will pop into your head which will help with the manifestation.
The Universe is always speaking to you, if you learn to tune in and to listen to it and to align yourself vibrationally with your thoughts, emotions and inspired actions to help you manifest what you want.
As you tune in and take inspired action, when necessary, on the things that show up in your life, the car that you want starts to move closer and closer to your radar screen.
Within a certain period of time, it might appear very close to your Radar Screen like this:
When you get to this stage, you still may not know all the details of how exactly you’re going to manifest the car in your life, BUT a LOT of the details have already been filled in.
For example you might know exactly which car you want, where you’re going to buy it, how you’re going to pay for the monthly payments and the insurance, who you’re going to buy it from and all the other details associated with getting the car except for maybe one detail – such as how you’re going to come up with a $5,000 down payment you need or how you’re going to approved for credit.
The exact “HOW” of how you’re going to get the car is about 95% figured out at this point, but it’s not quite there yet.
ONCE those details get figured out and you know EXACTLY how you’re going to do it, then the car appears on YOUR Radar Screen like this:
See, once the car appears on your Radar Screen, and you know exactly how you’re going to manifest it, it’s really easy to BELIEVE that you’re going to get it.
Pretty much every detail is already figured out at this point, but you don’t quite yet have the car, maybe because you’re waiting for some payments to go through, or for a bonus commission you earned to come in, or for the car to become available for sale, or some other thing that you’re waiting for.
And then of course once you actually do manifest the car you wanted, it just appears right smack in the middle of your Radar Screen and in your mind you KNOW that you’ve already “Got it”.
The car is sitting in your drive-way and you OWN it. It’s yours.
This process of creating a desire, having it pop-up on the Universal Radar Screen first, and then the Universe hatching a plan for your desire to manifest in your life and then you participating in the process of manifesting that desire in your life by pulling it into your life and your Radar Screen is how the Law of Attraction works.
Having FAITH in the Law of Attraction and the Universe is the awakening to the truth that 99% of everything “Out There” exists OUTSIDE of OUR Radar Screen.
It’s the realization that just because we can’t SEE it right away, right now, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.
For example, if you create a desire to want a certain type of new car right now, do you realize that THAT car most likely already exists RIGHT NOW!
It’s already out there…maybe it’s in some factory being manufactured right now!
Maybe it’s on a boat, sailing towards you.
Maybe it’s being delivered to a car dealership 50 miles form your house, for when you’re ready.
Just because YOU can’t see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
ALL of your true desires already exist on the Universal Radar Screen.
We just have to stick with those desires long enough for them to move close enough to use to appear on OUR Radar Screens.
Then it’s EASY to believe that we’re going to get what we want.
How to “SEE” Past Your Own Radar Screen
Is there a way that we can expand the size of Our Radar Screens?
There are a few different ways to do this.
Firstly, one of the easiest ways to expand your VISION past YOUR Radar Screen is to get around someone with a bigger vision than you.
For example, often times I have had conversation with my mentors where I told them about a desire that I had, but which was off MY Radar Screen and I had no idea how it’s going to come about…
… and because THEIR vision in that particular area of life was greater than mine, they were actually able to see my desired outcome on their Radar Screen!
They could tell me exactly what I need to do and who I need to become in order to manifest that which I wanted.
So getting around other more successful people than you is one of the best ways to expand your vision.
That is why I am such big advocate for having mentors and getting around successful people.
Secondly, there’s another way to expand your own “Radar Screen Vision”…
… to do that you have to turn off the part of your mind that only believes in what it SEES and what is already there.
That part of your mind can only SEE that which is already ON your Radar Screen.
To “SEE” things that are NOT on your Radar Screen, you have to tune into your intuition / your gut feeling.
Using the same example of trying to manifest a new car, if you THINK ABOUT the new car that you want and by thinking about it you get a BAD feeling in your gut… like you feel frustrated and annoyed and angry and not “good” when you hold that image of the car in your mind, that means that you’re currently not in vibrational alignment with getting that car.
It means that the car is on the Universal Radar Screen but it’s NOT moving towards you.
It’s basically just sitting there, outside your reach, and the frustrating energy that you feel is your intuition SEEING the car far away from you – STUCK!
What this means is that it is an indicator that SOMETHING has to change in your life.
Meaning YOU have to make a DECISION to change something in your life.
Maybe you need to change some of your beliefs, or you need to change who you are hanging out with or listening to, or maybe you need to change your routine a bit, or learn something new, or try something different, or change the way that you think.
SOMETHING is out of alignment and it’s keeping that car STUCK away from you, and that is what your intuition is “Seeing” even thought you don’t yet see it with your own eyes.
If, however, you bring the image and concept of the car into your mind and you feel GOOD about it, even though you can’t yet see it on YOUR Radar Screen, it means that the car is moving TOWARDS you on the Universal Radar Screen.
The faster it’s coming towards you the better you’ll feel about it intuitively.
That’s the beauty of our intuition! It has a sense of VISION that is MUCH larger than what our eyes and ears and our 5 senses can sense.
Mistakes to Avoid
Here are some common mistakes most people make when it comes to manifesting things and their Radar Screen.
Usually, people who are not really into the Law of Attraction or any kind of “Spiritual” concepts like it, are only able to see that which is on their Radar Screen and that’s it.
They tend to avoid creating ANY desires in their life if they can’t see that desire on their Radar Screen right away.
For example if they think about wanting a new car, if they can’t instantly see EXACTLY HOW they’re going to manifest it with every single detail fully figured out, they don’t even TRY having that desire.
To them, creating any kind of desire that doesn’t instantly show up on their Radar Screen is “Unrealistic Thinking”.
As a result they always play small in their lives and are usually afraid to take any kinds of risks.
They’ll usually never even attempt to dream big and they mostly just live lives that are very routine based with very little change or growth.
They don’t realize that they can have so much more in their lives if they just awakened to the fact that you can manifest things in your life even if you don’t yet know exactly HOW all the details are going to work out.
On the other end of that spectrum, a lot of people who would call themselves “spiritual” and into things like the “Law of Attraction”, often make a different kind of mistake.
They create a desire for something that they want, and when they don’t immediately see it on their Radar Screen, one of two things happens:
#1 – They Feel Good
If they create a desire for something, and it appears outside of their Radar Screen, and they can’t SEE it with their eyes, they tune into their intuition and they FEEL it with their Intuition.
*IF* they’re vibrationally aligned with that thing, and they’re taking the necessary inspired actions towards manifesting that thing, they will FEEL GOOD, because their Intuition is sensing that their desire is getting closer.
In which case they’ll usually continue on until they manifest that desire.
But the second thing that can happen is…
#2 – They Don’t Feel Good
When they create a desire and they don’t instantly feel good when they think about it, it means that the desire has already manifested itself on the Universal Radar Screen – BUT – it’s currently STUCK.
This means that something has to change in that person’s life.
Either they have to change their beliefs, or their thinking, or their energy or vibration or their actions or SOMETHING to get into better alignment with that thing.
In other words, they have to GROW!
However, instead of embracing this indicator from their Intuition and understanding it as “Oh, I have this desire for a new car, but when I think about it I don’t feel good, and I don’t feel excited and instead I feel frustrated and annoyed that I don’t yet have it…which means that I must CHANGE SOMETHING in my life to get in better alignment…..”
they instead usually think to themselves…
“Oh, when I think about wanting this car, I don’t instantly feel good about it… so I’ll just pretend like I don’t really want it… pfft… who the heck needs a new car anyways…. I never wanted it in the first place.”
In other words, they LIE to themselves.
Instead of GROWTH they embrace STAGNATION.
Instead of embracing TRUTH in their desires, they choose to LIE to themselves, because they don’t want to feel frustration or annoyance.
And in the short term, they can go back to feeling better by pretending that they don’t want that new car or whatever their desire was…
…and they can avoid the GROWTH that they are really seeking…
… but in the long term, this leads to depression.
These are the two most common mistakes that people make.
They either don’t create desires which don’t immediately fall within their Radar Screen because they aren’t tuned into their own Intuition and they don’t have any faith in anything outside of their logical thinking, OR if they are Intuitively tuned in and they create a desire that doesn’t feel very good to think about – instead of seeing that as a signal for growth, they see it as a signal to give up.
The Universe doesn’t want you to GIVE UP on your Dreams and your Desires.
It wants to help you get everything that you ever dreamed of….
… and it will put together a plan to help you make those dreams a reality…
… but if you’re STUCK in your ways, and you’re not willing to grow and change and become the person you need to become to manifest those Dreams, then you will Intuitively feel frustrated and or “stuck”.
This is NOT a signal form the Universe to give up! It’s a signal to GROW!
And as you start to grow, that Intuitive feeling will turn to excitement and anticipation as you FEEL your desire moving closer and closer to your Radar Screen and finally into your life.
Thanks Paul for creating blog post that is aligned with GIN training – Its really amazing and refreshing to read! Also its helping me remind me of where I need to be patient and help me realign with my intuitive abilities.
#3 The person only thought they wanted to manifest something, but when it was just within their grasp, they decided they really didn’t want to pull the trigger on the deal.
Sometimes we need to sit back, realize that we’ve gotten very good at manifesting material items only to hesitate on pulling the trigger on the deal. Wants and infatuations need to be weeded out before we begin manifestations. It also works to our advantage as “so called” set backs let us evaluate how hard we really want to manifest something. Sometimes we need to trust that our higher power has something better for us.
All my life I’ve wanted a Porsche 914. When I had the means to acquire one, a car I thought I could never afford was in the hands of a seller who had to do a quick turn over. So I trusted that higher power and now I have a Porsche 928 sitting in my garage. 10 times nicer than a 914 and like the Dino 308, is becoming more desirable everyday. (Because there are very few in great condition). Faith is all about trust. The LOA is all about faith. Learn how to trust and the LOA will come easier.
BUT, you need to know what you really want. I still look at 914s and the other night my wife said, why don’t you just buy it? I said, naw, I like my 928, I don’t need another Porsche.
Also had to say I liked the 2 sentence paragraphs on your blog. I tend to use pics but I fear I’ll be sued some day for copy rights. Good job.
I learned that from Joe Vitale. 🙂