I’ve been a WordPress Blogger for 9 years now and recently I’ve switched over to the Kalatu Blogging Platform from Empower Network.
In this article I’ll share my first impressions about Kalatu and whether I think it’s better than WordPress.
Firstly, I’ll start off by saying that it’s not really a fair comparison to compare Kalatu vs WordPress since Kalatu IS BUILT ON WordPress.
Meaning, Kalatu is a blogging platform built on top of WordPress, so it takes all the functionality that you already get with WordPress and simply adds additional functionality on top of that.
I think the better way to approach answering this question is to compare what you get with a standard out-of-the-box installation of WordPress, versus what you get with Kalatu.
Kalatu Features
Here are just some of the features that I’ve found pretty useful that you don’t get with a standard WordPress installation.
#1 – The Kalatu 21 Day Blogging Challenge
One of the first features that you’ll notice when you get started with Kalatu is that it has a 21 Day Blogging Challenge system built right into it.
What this does is it encourages you challenge yourself to write one blog post per day for at least 21 days.
The purpose behind this is to help you establish the habit of daily blogging.
Most psychologists say that it takes about 21 days for us to form a habit, so the 21 day blogging system is designed around that concept.
Every day, you are encouraged to write a new blog post and the system actually helps you to write those posts by offering suggestions and blogging templates that you fill out as a starting point.
You can either use the built-in templates, or you can just write your own blog post from scratch. It’s totally up to you.
#2 – Kalatu Achievements
The next thing that you’ll find included with Kalatu, and tied into the 21 Day Blogging Challenge system is an achievement tracking system.
The Kalatu Achievement System is designed to make blogging fun and allows you to earn and unlock badges for completing various things.
For example, once you complete your first blog post, you’ll earn the “First Post” badge.
As you earn badges, you also move up in levels in the system so that you know that you’re doing the right things as a blogger.
The achievement system is still in it’s early stages with improvements coming soon, but even now it’s a pretty neat little system that rewards you for achieving certain blogging milestones.
#3 – Kalatu Social Media Card
The Kalatu Social Media Card, allows you to connect your Blog with your social media profiles such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.
You simply click on each of the social media sites, and authorize a connection with Kalatu and it does the rest.
It goes in and updates your Kalatu Themes to connect your audience with your various social media sites.
For example, by connecting your YouTube account, the Kalatu YouTube sidebar widget will automatically pull in and display your latest YouTube videos from your channel.
#4 – Kalatu Theme Customizer
Kalatu comes preloaded with five professional looking themes, with more on the way.
The cool thing though is that the Kalatu Theme Customizer also allows you to fully customize each theme to your liking.
For example, if you want to change the font for your theme, you can do so with the click of a few buttons.
If you want to customize the home page header, you can do so with the click of a few buttons.
If you want to add in an opt-in form that will automatically allow your blog visitors to subscribe to your email list, you can do so with the click of a few buttons.
None of the features require any coding, or scripting or pasting in any code.
Everything is done for you, you just have to do a few simple configurations.
You have control over your banner ads, your author box, and your social card settings as well.
Pretty much anything you might want to customize on your theme, you can do it through the theme customizer tool.
#5 – Kalatu Tutorials
Another cool thing that Kalatu comes with is a set of tutorials for how to use the system.
There are videos and guide books that show you how to setup your Blog, how to map your domain properly, how to configure things and how to use the features that Kalatu comes with.
Of course this is on top of all the training that Empower Network has for helping you to become a successful blogger.
#6 – Kalatu Google Analytics Integration
Kalatu also has a very simple system for adding in Google Analytics integration.
All you have to do is take your Google Analytics tracking ID and paste it into the Kalatu Google Analytics integrator and click the save button.
By doing that, Kalatu will automatically incorporate full Google Analytics tracking into all of your themes.
This might not seem like a big deal, but I’ve found that a LOT of people who are not computer programmers find it difficult and confusing to try to get Google Analytics setup on their WordPress Blogs.
Also, with WordPress, if you ever change your theme, you have to re-do your Analytics integration, but with Kalatu it’s all automatic!
Not a huge deal, but it’s a nice feature to have.
#7 Kalatu Widgets
Kalatu takes a slightly different approach to widgets.
Instead of having 10,000+ different widgets available to you like WordPress does, Kalatu simplifies the whole widget system by only including the most useful and effective widgets that you will need for your blog.
This means that you no longer have to spend hours going through hundreds of different WordPress widgets that all say they do something, only to find yourself disappointed when they fall short of your expectations.
Of course the trade-off is that if you are looking for some highly customized widget for you blog, it may not be available on the Kalatu platform.
However, having said that, the idea behind the Kalatu platform is that they will constantly be expanding their library of widgets with the best widgets available out there.
Meaning, if someone out there creates a really cool WordPress widget that you might have to pay $20 or $50 or $100 for, there’s a chance that Kalatu will also create a widget similar to that one or even better, which you may be able to get for free.
Since Kalatu is going to be a paid platform with tens of thousands of users worldwide, the company has money in their budget to develop these high-end widgets that you might not find in the WordPress widget directory.
Also, as a blogger for 9 years now I have come to realize that even though WordPress technically has this huge marketplace of like 10,000 widgets – in reality I have only used about 10 different widgets in my blogging career.
A LOT of the WordPress widgets out there are crappy, poorly coded, and may even contain malware, viruses and other things that could cause problems for your WordPress blog.
This is why the geniuses behind Kalatu have chosen to not allow external widgets to be installed on the platform – ensuring that whatever widgets you do decide to activate in Kalatu is going to be a high-quality, solid widget that does the job well and doesn’t contain and problems or issues.
I’ve actually had my WordPress site shut down by my hosting company before, due to issues with a WordPress widget I downloaded and installed on my WordPress blog.
It was just some widget that pulled pictures from my Flickr account, but somehow it was poorly written and it overloaded my hosting company’s servers so they shut down my site.
I had to go through all my widgets and deactivate them one by one to find the one that was causing the issue.
In the end I got my site re-activated without any issues, but it took a whole afternoon of troubleshooting to figure what was wrong.
That’s wasted time I should have spent blogging, instead of messing around with my WordPress site.
With Kalatu, I don’t have to worry about that anymore.
#8 Kalatu Headline Helper
Yet another cool feature that’s built into Kalatu is a headline helper.
Ever write a blog post and then felt stuck trying to figure out what title to give it?
The Kalatu Headline Helper helps you eliminate that problem.
Essentially you just click on the “Give Me a Headline” button that shows up in your post editor, and you’ll see a pop-up window pop up and ask you what subject you’re blogging about.
You just type in what you’re blogging about and it will give you a headline suggestion.
If you like the suggestion, you click one button and it inserts that into your blog post title.
If you don’t like that suggestion, you just click the “Give me another.” button, and it gives you another suggestion.
You can keep clicking it until you find a suggestion that you like.
#9 – Kalatu Writers Blog Solver
Ever get stuck not knowing what to write about?
Kalatu has a solution for that.
They have a little button that says “Give Me An Idea!” in the post editor, and when you click that button the Kalatu Random Inspirational Idea window pops up and gives you a random suggestion for the type of blog post you could write.
If you like the idea, you go ahead and write about it, and if you don’t like that idea you just click the “Give Me Another Idea” and Kalatu gives you another random idea.
You just keep clicking that button until you like an idea and then you go ahead and write the blog post.
#10 Kalatu Blogging Community and Training
The features I just listed are just SOME of the features and benefits you get with Kalatu that you don’t get with a WordPress installation.
However, there is one other HUGE benefit that you get with Kalatu that WordPress doesn’t offer, and that is the Kalatu Blogging Community and Training.
Kalatu is Empower Network’s new flagship blogging platform which combines some of the newest state-of-the-art blogging technology to help you become a successful blogger.
However, Kalatu itself is just a tool and a tool is only as good as the person using it.
That is why a tool, any tool, by itself is not enough.
That is why the Empower Network blogging community and training system is so powerful.
Empower Network doesn’t just focus on tools and technology, they also focus on YOU the content creator at your blog and they provide you with the training, the support AND the tools you’ll need to be a successful blogger.
In my 9+ years as a blogger I have never seen training on becoming a successful blogger like that which you can get access to with Empower Network.
There’s nothing else out there that even comes close the the track record that Empower Network has for inspiring, training and producing world-class bloggers.
If you want to be a successful blogger in 2015 and beyond, you have to get access to the best training on the planet, and Empower Network provides that.
If you want to be a successful blogger in 2015 and beyond, you also have to be plugged into a blogging community of like-minded people. You won’t find a better blogging community than the one you’ll find in Empower Network.
Learn From My Journey
If you’ve been thinking about getting into blogging, or you’ve dabbled with blogging in the past but just never reached the level of success that you want from it, you may find my new eBook “Breaking Free in 2015” interesting.
In the eBook I share my journey of how I went from burger flipper to corporate zombie to six-figure Internet marketer.
I share my story and the lessons I’ve learned along the way in hopes to save others from making the same mistakes I made.
I also reveal what I believe to be the best strategy for making money online in 2015 and beyond.
If you’d like to download a free copy of the eBook click here or on the picture.
What a great overview of Kalatu! Kalatu is better than WordPress! Thanks for sharing Paul!
Paul, well written. I downloaded a copy of your free ebook. Nice ebook! Looking forward on speaking to you more about Empower Network and blogging more on a consistent basis. My blog is still definitely in the works.
Thanks! Hit me up on facebook or Skype and we’ll chat.
Kalatu seems pretty neat. Especially with the widgets. I’ve had some WordPress widgets mess up my blog before. Handy that Kalatu sifts through them for you ahead of time.
Great that it gives blogging ideas too. When blogging all the time, sometimes it can be tricky thinking up things to blog about.
Thanks for the post
Yes, and this is just the beginning. They’re planning on creating all kinds of neat widgets that are pre-tested and made to work with Kalatu 100%, instead of wasting your time guessing which is a good widget and which is not. I’m really liking it. 🙂
Nice blog post. Seems like a nice platform for people who are just starting to get into blogging but I still prefer to customize all the possibilities for my blog by using WordPress directly. At the end of the day I think its just personal preference.
Yeah, you’re a technology expert who has at least 6 years of direct experience tinkering with WordPress though and still working on figuring everything out. Kalatu is for people who want to get setup with a professional Blogging platform right away, without the need to invest all of that time learning how everything works and having to hire programmers or IT specialists to fix issues for them.
It’s basically Blogging – simplified. 🙂
Kalatu is awesome! Very intuitive to work with! This is actually the best I have ever felt as a blogger / website builder.