Sometimes people say to me “Hey Paul, I really don’t know what to Blog about anymore… I’ve run out of things to say.”
If you’ve started a Blog and at some point reached that point where you just don’t know what else to write about or what else to create YouTube videos about, let me tell you why this is a good thing!
Have you ever heard of the saying that in order to learn something new, you must first empty your cup?
Well, whenever you write a Blog post, you’re essentially sharing your opinion on a specific topic for the world to read.
When you do that, it has the effect of releasing that information from your cluttered mind – kind of like getting something off your chest.
Once you write your Blog post and publish it, that information no longer has to take up space in your mind.
You’ve put your ideas, opinions and concepts on “paper” and now your mind can move onto other things.
Being in this place of having an “empty mind” and not knowing what else to possibly write about should be celebrated, not seen as failure.
It means you’ve essentially finally said what you’ve wanted to say, and you’ve cleared your mind.
So what do we do next?
How to Create More Things to Blog About
Once you’ve reached this point where you’ve written about all the things you can think of writing about, your mind (cup) has been emptied a bit.
What you now have to do is start filling that cup back up!
Read a new book, re-kindle your love for a hobby you once had, research something new, start learning a new skill of some sort…
… there are just a few ways that you can start to fill your cup again.
Get around other people who are succeeding in areas that you’ve wanted to succeed, and learn something new!
As you start filling your cup again, it will give you new things to think about and new things to Blog about.
Take my recent decision to lose weight and get fit.
As soon as I made that decision, I started reading books, taking courses, researching and even consulting with personal trainers on the topic of health and fitness.
As I’m learning more about this topic, it’s giving me new Blog content to write about, and ideas for the types of videos I can shoot.
This is the beauty of Blogging – it forces you to go out there and to LIVE life and to LEARN new things to that you have something to Blog about on a regular basis!
A very successful person once told me that he has been journaling in his journal every single day for decades, and the most common objections people tell him when he recommends daily journaling is that people say that they don’t have anything to write about.
His answer to that objection was simply this… he said “Look, if you spend a 24 hour period of time on this planet, and during that time throughout the entire day you have NOTHING interesting happen to you, and you LEARN NOTHING new, and you have NO NEW THOUGHTS, and you EXPERIENCE NOTHING that would be worth writing about in your journal, then you seriously need to re-evaluate your life because you’re either living a very small life far beyond your capabilities OR you’re going through your days completely unaware of what’s happening in your life because you’re not paying attention. In either case you may want to make some changes. To live a day on this planet without having anything interesting to write about in your journal is a total waste.”
I first heard this about 20 years ago and I’ve been journaling on an almost daily basis ever since and I have to say that it has been very transformational.
Journaling on a regular basis led me to also love Blogging on a regular basis.
And both journaling and Blogging have really helped me in my life by making me aware – every single day – that I’ve got to do SOMETHING with my life each day… something worth Blogging about or Journaling about, otherwise I’m wasting my life!
So if you’re feeling totally stuck and you don’t know what to Blog about – firstly, I recommend celebrating the fact that you’ve probably emptied your cup and de-cluttered a lot of the noise that has been swimming around in your head.
Secondly, it’s time to now start making some changes in your life by learning something new, or taking on a new project, or re-connecting with some projects you started in the past.
It’s time to LEARN and DO new things and then to Blog about them!
Journaling can absolutely help, I remember my grandmother telling me as a teenager that if I wanted to be a writer, I should write every day. I have been journaling for over 30 years now. I think I have a huge box of all my old journals down in my basement come to think of it.
Also agree that learning new things helps a lot when you are writing. I find the more I read, the more inspired I get to write.
I am constantly getting messages for clients that repeat (as in a bunch of clients in one month that all have a very similar issue in their life), that helps me as well. Getting out there and finding out what people are struggling with and then try and write a blog post that helps them.
Great post Paul, thanks
Nice! Yeah, I’ve been doing a lot of that myself as well. When I get a bunch of people asking the same questions or similar questions I’ll record a video or write a Blog post that answers that question or at least offers them resources to deal with the challenge.