One very common question people often ask is if it’s possible to blog about different topics and interests on the same blog.
My answer is YES! ABSOLUTELY!
There are some gurus out there who create various Internet Marketing courses who tell their students that to be successful online you have to pick a very narrow niche and FOCUS on just that one thing.
When people hear this advice, they automatically assume that Blogging works the same way, however it doesn’t.
See, there is a difference between a Blog that you run, and a product you decide to put together, or an eBook, or a YouTube channel or a Facebook page etc.
These are all different THINGS and the same advice doesn’t apply to all of these things.
Let me explain.
Think of it like this:
- BLOG – This is your “home” on the Internet. People come here because they are interested in YOU. If you are a specialist with only one major interest in life, then blog about that. If you are the type of person who has a lot of interests, then blog about that!
- YouTube Channels – You can create one YouTube channel for your main blog where you can post generic content from your Blog and then any number of FOCUSED YouTube channels per main interest.
- Facebook Pages – Usually you’ll want to create a Facebook Page for your blog and then one FOCUSED Facebook page per interest.
- Products – Products you create must be ULTRA FOCUSED not just one specific interest, but also on solving one or a few problems that your target audience has in that specific niche.
- Email Lists – You can have one main list, and then many other smaller lists for various topics.
Maybe the best way to illustrate what I mean is to use myself as an example and to use a diagram, so here goes.
(You can click on the diagram below to see a larger size if you’d like.)
As you can see in the diagram, in the middle we have my main Blog ( ).
This Blog is about ME, not about any one special niche or interest. It’s about ME and all of my interests.
When I create content for various different interests I categorize that content by selecting one or more categories that the Blog post belongs under.
So for example, I might have categories like “Personal Development”, “Blogging Tips”, “Music”, “Health and Fitness” etc.
This way, whenever I write a Blog post I can select which category it belongs under.
This way my Blog readers can decide which category or categories they’re interested in and read Blog posts from those categories.
For my Blog I’ve setup several social media properties that go along with my Blog. For example:
Facebook Page –
YoutTube Channel –
Twitter Page –
So on my Blog I blog about various different interests.
On my main Facebook page for my Blog, and my YouTube Channel and my Twitter Page I also post content on there on EVERYTHING.
So that takes care of my main Blog and all the various topics I want to cover.
Then, let’s say that I want to take one specific interest of mine, and to build out a community around that specific interest.
Well, let’s use the interest I have in producing music and being a DJ.
So to set that up, what I did is I created a separate YouTube Channel and a Facebook Fan Page for this.
Here they are:
YouTube Channel –
Facebook Page –
Are you starting to see how this works?
So now when I record some videos, as an example, for my DJ-ing interest, I upload those videos to my “DJ FreeYOUNow” YouTube Channel and then I post a link to that video on my Facebook Fan Page for “DJ FreeYouNow”.
If I write a Blog post that goes along with those videos, I would post that Blog post on my main Blog.
By setting things up this way, I am starting to give my audience more control over what content they want to consume from me.
For example, those people who are interested in DJ-ing and producing music, they might subscribe to my YouTube channels and my Facbeook Fan Page, and get updates that way…
… however, if someone is not interested in those topics they can just remain subscribed to my main Blog and get more general content, not just specific to one topic.
Of course I wouldn’t recommend setting up a YouTube Channel or Facebook Fan page for every single interest that you have.
For the most part you can just use your main Blog for most of your topics.
It’s only when you have an interest that you really want to start pumping out content for on a regular basis, outside of what you normally cover on your Blog.
So for example, if you’re just going to be creating one or two pieces of content on a specific topic once every month or two, then you don’t need a Facebook page or YouTube channel dedicated to just that one topic.
But if you’re going to be pumping out 20-30 pieces of content per month on some specific topic on top of what you normally Blog about on your Blog, then it might be a good idea to setup more specific pages or accounts with various social media sites.
Now, if I wanted to create a PRODUCT to sell to my audience, what I would do is I would firstly choose which specific category this product would be in, as well as choosing a very specific problem that the product solves.
So for example instead of trying to create a generic products on “how to be successful” which is totally ambiguous, I might choose my music production category of interest and then within that niche market I would do resarch to find out what is the main problem that people are facing and I would create a product to solve that problem.
I hope this clarifies for you how to structure your blog if you have many interests.
Wow..this was put together very well Paul..lots of great looks like you really know what you are doing!!
Thanks Gail. Glad you liked it.
Awesome information! I was just wondering about this last night! Thanks for sharing!
No problemo. 🙂
Thanks for the info! I have a blog and I talk about different things and I have heard people say you can only talk about one thing to reach people. But you are reaffirming that you don’t. Thanks!
Heidi, I don’t believe that to be true. Also David Wood in a video stated the same thing. You DO NOT need to just blog about one thing.
If you’re creating a product, then YES it has to be focused on solving one problem or several problems to a very tight niche market, but a Blog is really just like a personal Facebook page or a personal conversation with your friends.
If your friend who you met at work came over to your house and they started talking about their kids would you say “WAIT STOP! We know each other from work, which means we can ONLY talk about work! Don’t talk about anything else!”
No, that would be ridiculous. That’s how I see Blogs. You can blog about many different things.
Paul, thank you for this great information. This has been a subject that has been in my mind for quite some time and you’ve helped me tremendously. Blessings.
Glad to be of help Ralph. 🙂
Great way to look at it, Paul, thanks!
I don’t know if you speak another language, perhaps French? English is not my native language, but it’s a major part of our culture here in Denmark. Especially my education as an electronics engineer was based on English textbooks.
If I blog in English I can reach a lot more people, but I’m not nearly as good at expressing myself as in my native language. If I blog in my native language, I will only reach a very small percentage of the people as compared to blogging in English. I prefer to blog in my native language, but then again I don’t, if nobody comes to my blog.
So I guess my question is, should I have two “homes”, or should I speak two languages in the same home? I would in my physical home, but it would seem kinda weird on a blog.
I find it annoying when I read an interesting blog, and then the blogger suddenly goes Italian on me or something 😉
I would probably stick to one language per Blog, yeah.