For quite some time now I’ve been wanting to start a “Driving With Paul” video series where I drive around in my car and discuss various topics related to Blogging and making money online.
However, I’ve been allowing the “perfectionist” mindset to stop me from getting started by allowing various excuses to trip me up.
In this today’s episode I discuss the perfectionist mindset, and how it can stop you from blogging and from achieving success online.
Check it out here:
If you enjoyed this video, give me a thumbs up, and leave a comment.
Congrats on getting started on Driving With Paul!!
I totally get your point that some of this even going back to school. While you were talking about it, I was actually having memories of speaking up in class in Elementary school!
(almost 49 and I can still remember stuff from 4th and 7th grade, but not last week, lol).
Keep going…I enjoyed watching this. (Love your neighbourhood too!)
Thanks! More coming soon. 🙂