I started blogging in April of 2006.
If there is one question that I have been asked more times about blogging than any other question it would be this:
“Paul, how the heck do you stay motivated to keep blogging?”
I’ve seen SO many people get excited about blogging, launch their blogs, full of energy and hope and a desire to change the world, and then completely fizzle out after just a few weeks or at the most a few months.
I find it absolutely fascinating to talk to people and hear the excuses they come up with for not continuing to blog.
I use the word “excuses” because that’s all they are.
I’ve heard them all, and I’ve pretty much USED them all myself as well at some point in my blogging career!
But you know what?
In all of my years of blogging, there is only ONE DIFFERENCE that I have seen between bloggers who continue to blog on a regular basis long term and those who quit after a few weeks or months…
That’s it… just ONE DIFFERENCE!
Do you want to know what it is?
I’ll tell you, but chances are if you’re like most of the bloggers I have revealed this to, you won’t believe me.
If you’re like most bloggers, you’ll argue that you’re different, that this ONE THING doesn’t apply to you for some reason, and then a few weeks or months later you’ll end up quitting blogging.
This one thing is a mindset shift that I have seen ALL successful bloggers have, and I believe it is THE differentiating factor.
So what is it?
The one difference between successful bloggers who keep blogging and those who give up is that the successful bloggers are not ashamed, not afraid and do not feel guilty about MAKING MONEY with their blogs.
That’s it.
That’s the ONE difference.
I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been part of the “Lightworker” community for so long now or what but you won’t believe how many times I have heard the words “But Paul, I don’t want to make money with my blog. I just want to help people. I want to share the knowledge and wisdom I’ve learned about stuff and I want to share it with people. I don’t care if my blog makes money.”
That’s a pile of bullshit.
I’m sorry, but it is.
You *DO* want your blog to make money, but you’re just afraid to admit it because somewhere along the way you were programmed to believe that you shouldn’t charge someone money for doing something you enjoy / love doing.
You’re afraid that if people come to your blog and read your content and they see that you’re making money from your blog that somehow that’s going to soil your “reputation”.
As if making money with your blog was some kind of dirty deed or something!
Let me ask you something… if you had to have brain surgery tomorrow, and you found out that your brain surgeon gets paid for doing brain surgeries, would you think to yourself “oh, what a crappy brain surgeon…I bet he doesn’t even care about saving people’s lives… he must be in this just for the money because I found out he’s actually getting paid to do this”????
No, you probably wouldn’t, right?
If you needed help from a police officer would you say to them, “Wait, hold on… do you get paid to be a police officer? Wait, what?! You get paid!? Oh, that means you don’t actually do this to help people, you’re just doing this for the money… you scum!”???
No, you probably wouldn’t, right?
Would you judge a teacher who gets paid to teach for a living as doing something wrong just because they get paid to teach?
No, you probably wouldn’t, right?
Would you judge a firefighter who gets paid to fight fires as doing something wrong just because they get paid to fight those fires?
No, you probably wouldn’t, right?
For some weird reason, that I still don’t understand though, when it comes to blogging I have seen so many people SCARED to admit that they want to make money from their blogs.
I don’t really get it.
Just get over yourself already.
It’s OKAY to make money as a blogger.
There’s nothing wrong with it, and a LOT of things RIGHT with it!
First of all, you have to realize that there is a COST to you and your family for you to blog.
You’re investing your time and energy and resources to create blog content on a regular basis.
You DESERVE to make money for those efforts.
See, here’s the thing…
People ask me how I stay motivated to blog…
The answer is simple… I stay motivated to blog because blogging puts MONEY in my family’s pocket!!!
See, sooner or later, if your blog is NOT making you any money, you’re going to run into a situation where you have to decide to invest an hour of your time writing your next blog post or watching the latest season of your favorite show on Netflix…
… and if your blog is not making you any money, your mind will just think “Meh, blog can wait, it’s Netflix time!”
Or sooner or later, if your blog is NOT making you any money, you’re going to run into a situation where you have to decide to invest an hour of your time writing your next blog post or spend an hour doing something else that DOES make you money…
… and once again you’ll probably pick the thing that makes you money, such as working overtime at your job or taking on some extra part-time work.
Now, let’s look at it from a different perspective.
Imagine that your blog IS making you money every single month and your blogging income is growing.
Do you think you would be maybe just a LITTLE bit more motivated to write a blog post instead of watching Netflix if your blog was making you $1,000 cash every month?
Do you think that your spouse would be a LITTLE bit more supportive of you taking some time to write your next blog post if your blog was paying for your next vacation?
Do you think that you might be a LITTLE bit more likely to push through any “writers block” excuses you might have if you knew that your blog was going to help you get a free car paid for by your blog?
So what motivates the top bloggers out there to keep blogging day in and day out, regardless of the obstacles that come up in their way?
The same thing that motivates YOU to wake up at 7am on weekdays and battle traffic to get your ass to your job…
It’s as simple as that.
Unless you’re already completely financially independent… like it or not, MONEY is a HUGE motivating force in your life.
If your boss came to you tomorrow and told you that unfortunately starting tomorrow you aren’t going to get paid to do your job anymore, how much longer do you think you’d be “motivated” to go to work?
You’d quit in 2 seconds.
It’s the same with blogging… if you make money with your blog, you’ll stay motivated… if you LIE to yourself and try to pretend that you’re Mother Theresa and that you don’t care about money, you’ll end up giving up.
(Incidentally, even Mother Theresa understood the need for money and raised INCREDIBLE amounts of money for her charity. So even she didn’t pretend like money wasn’t important. She constantly focused on raising money for her charitable work.)
Now, I’m not saying that ALL you care about is money.
That’s not true.
Money is actually kind of a useless thing…just pieces of paper or numbers on some computer screen.
It’s not actually money that motivates us, but rather the things we can DO with the money we manifest!
When you make $50 with your Blog, you can use some of that money to fund micro-loans in 3rd world countries!
When you make $500 with your Blog, you can invest into better blogging equipment (camera, lighting, etc.) and produce even BETTER content for your audience.
When you make $1000 with your Blog, you can pay off a debt you owe and relieve some stress from you and your spouse.
When you start making $500/m with your Blog, you can hire a cleaner to help clean your home so that you can focus on more important things like creating MORE awesome content for the world.
When you make $5,000 with your Blog, you can take your family on a vacation!
The things you can do with the money you make blogging are infinite!
And it is those THINGS…. funding that micro-loan, or getting that better equipment for your blog, or paying off that debt, or hiring that cleaner or taking your family on a vacation that will MOTIVATE you to keep blogging!
Get it?
You BLOG to share your wisdom and to help the world… I get it.
But you also have to accept the fact that if you want to REALLY help the world as a Blogger you need to start making MONEY from Blogging so that you can do all those things I mentioned above and MORE and so that 5 years from now you’re still blogging!
You need to get your blog to the point where it’s making you so much money that you can quit your job and Blog full time.
You need to get your blog to the point where it’s making you so much money that you can pay off ALL your debts, including your mortgage so that you can experience the feeling of what it feels like to be debt-free and so that you can blog from a place of having that raised energetic vibration.
You need to get your blog to the point where it’s making you so much money that you can invest in the things you believe in… projects, charities, organizations, causes, people…whatever you believe in!
But it all starts with first learning how to MONETIZE your blog properly and what it really takes to make money as a Blogger.
And that is why I highly recommend utilizing the Kalatu blogging platform and training system which has a proven track record of helping bloggers to monetize their blogs.
Nobody can guarantee that you’ll make money as a blogger, but having a platform like Kalatu and access to the Kalatu community and training is the first step to becoming a successful blogger.
If you’re ready to stat making money with your Blog, I recommend you click here to learn more about Kalatu now.
Great blog post and makes a lot of sense. Motivating yourself can be a lot easier with money rolling in.
I love this post and perspective Paul!
I have been there off and on in my self employment/lightworker/sharing gifts job.
I know many people will benefit from this one, on BOTH sides. The ones doing the work, AND the ones benefitting from it.
Thanks. 🙂