Nothing destroys creativity and your ability to manifest your dreams faster than putting yourself in the presence of ultra negative people who refuse to take 100% responsibility for their lives and instead just prefer to spew negativity and victim mentality outwards into the world.
I once had an sales rep employee that was SO NEGATIVE and no matter what I tried to say to try to inspire him and to show him the positive side of the coin, he just got more and more negative. He would come into my office and be so negative, and 15mins later he would leave and I would be totally drained. HE would feel awesome though, as I just propped HIS energy up, while he sucked me dry.
After a few weeks of this torture I really didn’t know what to do. I don’t like giving up and firing people, especially since he was actually generating some sales for us, but his negativity was just draining me!
Every time he would come into my office and then leave, I’d be left with this black cloud in my office and my energy would be all fuzzy and depressed for like an hour afterwards unless I left on a break or did some meditating to bring myself back to center.
Then one day I read this article online where the author said that some negative people are like vampires and they just latch onto anyone who is positive and they throw negativity at them and then they wait for the person to try to cheer them up. They suck up that positive energy like a vampire. And the only way to stop it is to STOP trying to make them feel better.
It sounds counter intuitive, especially for people healer-type personalities like myself who always want to help people!
So the advice this author gave was that next time that person comes into your space, and starts spewing negative crap at you, to just mirror it right back to them and even amplify the negativity a bit just for fun! Don’t go overboard, but just amplify the negativity by like 10% or 20%. 🙂
So that is what I did. This person came into my office and started off with their usual rant about how crappy things are, and I just let him vent and talk, and when he was done, I agreed with him that things do definitely sound horrible and suggested that maybe things are even worse than he described.
He was shocked!
I wasn’t giving him positive energy anymore. He tried a few different angles and threw some more negative things at me based on different topics, and I just continued to mirror the negativity right back and make it even a little bit more negative.
He was shocked and then he got this look on his face. It was this little smirk almost as if he was thinking “Crap… this guy is onto me. He figured out that all this time I’ve just been coming in here to drain his positive energy and to suck him dry. Dammit. He’s onto me!”
Still a little bit shocked, he didn’t know what to do next, so he just got up and left my office disappointed that he didn’t get what he came for.
I felt great! For the first time my energy didn’t feel drained when he left my office!!!
He didn’t get what he wanted. I didn’t give him my positive energy. So he left. LOL.
Shortly after that he quit. I didn’t even have to fire him. He realized he wasn’t going to get that positivity from me anymore so he just left.
So if you’re struggling with someone like that in your life… whether it’s a relative, or a co-worker or even a customer, and no matter what you’ve tried to do to cheer them up, this person just insists on being negative and you find their presence draining, try this out!
You’ll soon realize that the “relationship” this person has with you is that when they feel drained a little bit, they come to you to suck YOUR energy dry, just as if you were a wall outlet that they plug into in order to recharge their battery.
You’re not doing yourself any favors by allowing that relationship to continue that way, and you’re not doing THEM any favors either.
What they really need to do is to build a connection to Source, to their True Self and to gain access to Universal energy directly, not by sucking it dry from others.
Try it out, and you’ll see what I mean.
As soon as you stop being that positive energy “wall outlet” for these types of people, they’ll just disappear from your life, or at the very least they’ll stop being so negative.
I’m not saying these people are bad people either. I just think they’ve become disconnected from who they really are, and they found this other way of tapping into that energy by draining it from other people.
Don’t allow it. Help them by setting a clear energetic boundary to not allow that type of “energy vampire” behavior to continue.
Have you ever had to deal with a person like this? Or are you dealing with one of these people right now?
Leave a comment below and let me know if you try this very effective method out, and what kind of results you get.
I just did a blog at the Cafe(Perhaps you just read it) called “Mr. Hate”. What about when the negative person attacks you? Then they try to erase their snarky comments by adding LOL at the end of it. If a person is negative, Deep within the depth of what little soul he has, lies the seeds of his or her anger. That’s what negativity is. It’s anger that is looking for a channel to escape.
If you put a lid on a fireplace, the smoke will manifest its’ self in the cracks in the Chimney. If I had a salesman working for me, I would leave him alone if he was turning the numbers. If he was not meeting his quota, I would ask him what’s going on his life. Perhaps his anger comes from being stuck in a job he hates but has to be there just for the money. In that case, you’re just talking him down from the rooftop.
If it’s an on-line relationship and you are being used by a self-loathing troll, I’ve learned to do what hateful liberals do. (Only differently). It’s very stereotypical for an Obama supporter to engage in political conversation but when they can’t win the debate; they immediately resort to name calling. THEN they unfriend you. I don’t go into the name calling anymore but I do find value in saying: “I hope that works out for you. Cya”.
Remember, you’re unhappy because you CHOOSE to be unhappy!.
Then I unfriend them as they are blood sucking bed wetting miserable people (that don’t learn by being told that) that want company and the best thing you can do on-line is preserve your sanity by unfriending them.