Today I decided to re-launch one of my old blogs called is a blog I launched back in 2011 and it was focused strictly on the hobby of tabletop gaming and building and painting tabletop miniatures.
When I launched at the beginning of this year, I had decided to merge all of my previous blogs and websites into one domain / blog so that I could focus on building just one site.
I found that pretty much all of the topics I blog about, such as entrepreneurship, blogging, Internet marketing, making money online, working from home, health and fitness, law of attraction and spirituality – they are all somewhat interrelated and many of my readers are interested in most if not all of those topics as well.
The only blog topic / category that didn’t really fit in with all of these is my hobby of tabletop gaming / painting miniatures.
It’s a very specialized hobby that people are either into or they’re not.
If someone is not into it, there is very little value for them to gain from reading blog posts or watching videos about the hobby.
So for a while now I’ve been thinking about separating out this category of blog posts into another more specialized niche blog.
With the recent launch of Kalatu Premium, and our ability to have up to 10 blogs at no extra cost, I decided to launch a niche blog in the tabletop gaming category.
So this evening I setup my new blog, and I moved over all of my previous posts to the new site.
I’m still working on getting it setup, and fine-tuning my design, but I’m really exited about having a niche blog dedicated to my hobby.
If you’d like to check it out, you can find the site by clicking here: