It’s time again for another Blog Income Report.
This one is for July 2015.
This month’s report is going to be a bit different from previous ones because this month I launched a second Blog that I’m going to be building out.
Unlike this blog, which is more or less my personal blog where I blog about all kinds of different topics, my second blog is a highly focused niche blog in the tabletop gaming niche.
What I’ve decided to do is to continue blogging on a daily basis, but now my blog posts are going to be spread out over the two different blogs.
I’m trying this out in response to watching my open rates and traffic stats and seeing a trend that perhaps publishing one blog post every single day, 7 days a week, is a bit too much for my readership to consume every single day.
So by splitting my content up across two blogs, I think my readership on each blog will find it easier to keep up with my updates.
Here’s a combined listing of blog posts I’ve written this month on my blog and my blog: Blog Content Report – July 2015
Here is a recap of all the blog posts I wrote this month:
- How to Deal With a Very Negative Person
- Manifesting Body Diet and Fitness Plan – Day 103
- How to Organize Your TODO List as a Blogger
- Joe Rogan’s Advice – Do What You Love
- How the Hell Did I Manifest This!?
- 5 Mind Hacks For Living a More Awesome Life
- Why Every Blogger Must Leverage YouTube
- Are People Vested in Your Success or Failure?
- My New Blogging Plan
- Do You Have a Perfect Client Profile for Your Blog?
- Speed Blogging for Kalatu or WordPress
- Aerogarden Cherry Tomatoes – Day 171
- The Dead Simple 4 Step Formula for Achieving Results
- The Science of Getting Rich Summarized in 17 Key Points
- How to Develop Your Willpower to Blog
- 5 Simple Rules Which Helped Me to Blog Daily for Over 6 Months and Still Going
- Blog Income Report – June 2015
- Manifesting Body Diet and Fitness Plan – Day 73
- How to Make Money Online Without Quitting Your Job
That adds up to 19 blog posts written for this blog. Blog Content Report – July 2015
Now here’s a listing of blog posts from my blog:
- Best Airbrush For Miniatures – Unboxing the Badger Patriot 105
- Age of Sigmar Prosecutors – Painting Pics
- Age of Sigmar Retributors Assembly
- First Ever TabletopGamer Painting Party
- Age of Sigmar Prosecutors Assembly – Part 2
- Age of Sigmar Prosecutor Assembly
- Age of Sigmar Lord Relictor Assembly
- Age of Sigmar Lord Celestant Assembly
- Age of Sigmar Painting Guide Review
- Age of Sigmar Starter Set Book – In Depth Look
- Age of Sigmar Starter Set Unboxing
- My New Wargaming Video Room Setup
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar – My First Impressions
That adds up to 13 blog posts written for my niche blog.
That’s a total of 32 blog posts this month between the two blogs, which is a bit more than one blog post per day average between the two blogs. 🙂
Blog Traffic Report – July 2015
For my traffic reports I’ve decided to really simply things and just report overall traffic to my Blogs on a monthly basis.
Here’s the traffic reports for my two blogs: Traffic Jan 2015 – July 2015
My traffic from Jan – July 2015 totaled 22,080 Sessions from 15,936 users, which is an average of 3,154 Sessions per month.
I had a total of 1,994 Sessions in July, which is about 37% less Sessions than my average, which is to be expected since I’ve written about 40% less blog posts this month compared to the previous months. Traffic Jan 2015 – July 2015
My traffic from Jan – July 2015 totaled 1,144 Sessions from 867 users, which is an average of 163 Sessions per month.
As you can see I did have some traffic to this old Blog in January and February, and that was mostly from traffic to really old blog posts I wrote way back in 2011. Then in March / April / May of this year I moved all my content from that Blog to my blog, but then decided to run as a separate blog again at the end of June which is why you see the stats pick up again in June / July.
In July I had 522 Sessions, which is about 320% more traffic compared to the 163 session average, but it’s a bit hard to compare things to an average, since in March/April / May the stats were not counted.
In either case, my combined Sessions from the two blogs in July was 2,516 sessions.
Blog Income Report – July 2015
Okay, so let’s get to the actual blog income report part of this post.
Before I start talking numbers though, just a quick income disclaimer. My results are not typical, not guaranteed in any way, and you should check out my income disclaimer if that sort of thing floats your boat.
Okay, now that we got that out of the way, here are my stats:
Total Gross Income – $2,996.95
- Affiliate / MLM Income: $336.30
- Empower Network
- AWeber
- GetResponse
- JVZoo (Various)
- ClickFunnels
- Advertising Income (Ad Sales, AdSense, YouTube etc.): $16.25
- Mentoring / Consulting Income: $2600.00
Total Expenses – $706.94
- Kalatu Brand Station – $25.00
- Empower Network Affiliate System – $19.95
- Empower Network Inner Circle Training – $100.00
- Hostgator Hosting – $19.90
- AWeber Email Services – $49.00
- LeadPages – $67.00
- LinkTrackr Pro – $19.00
- AWProTools – $29.99
- GetResponse – $15.00
- ClickFunnels – 83.08
- IPAS2 – $144.00
- SEO Tools & Training – $112.32
- Facebok Advertising – $2.75
- Youngevity – $19.95
Net Income: $2,290.01
Alright, now that we’ve gotten the stats and numbers out of the way, let’s dive into what’s actually been happening in more detail.
Affiliate Income
My affiliate income dropped for this month as I put a lot of my focus into getting re-launched and setup.
I’ve also been building a team website for my Empower Network team to help my team members make more money blogging faster which has been occupying more of my time.
In the short term this has resulted in me personally producing a bit less in sales this past month, but I know that in the long term this will work in my favor as I get more of my team members making more money with their blogs.
The reason why it works that way is because the way the compensation structure works in Empower Network is that the more money I help my team mates make with their blogs, the more money I make as well. It’s a win/win type of situation.
If you’d like to learn more about Empower Network and how I make money with it, click on this link here to learn more.
Mentoring / Consulting Income
Not much has changed with my consulting income this month.
I’m continuing on with the contracts I’ve got in place, but I haven’t decided whether or not I want to take on any more consulting clients in the future as I want to primarily focus my time and energy on growing my Empower Network team and my niche blog.
I was able to cut down on some of my expenses this month, saving myself around $240 as compared to last month.
This was nice because even though my gross income dropped by around $330, with my expenses dropping by $240 or so, my NET income only dropped by around $110.
My Blogging Goals for July
Here were some of my main goals for June:
- Re-Launch My Blog – Check!
- Continue bloggin daily across the my two Blogs – Check!
- Keep my diet & fitness plan on track – Check!
- Complete the first 6 lessons for my Empower Network Team site – Check!
- Re-Launch the TabletopGamer YouTube Channel and Start Publishing Videos – Check!
To summarize, I’ve been making some changes to my blogging plan this past month or so, re-launching my Blog, and getting my Empower Network team training portal setup with more content.
Both of these things are long term projects which will help to fuel the growth of my business in the future.
My net income dropped slightly this month, but the drop in income is negligible as compared to the value I’ll be creating in the market place with my new blog setup, and the membership site I’m building, so I know this will pay off in the long run.
If you’d like to join my Empower Network team and get mentored by me on how to make money by blogging, click here to learn more.
Your on a roll Paul!. Way to go. I think it is cool that you have decided to relaunch your tabletop gamer blog, and have two blogs. Looks like your other blog is starting to get more traffic as well. Great Stuff