The world of multi-level marketing or as it’s often referred to as network marketing has bone through a HUGE shift in the last few years.
MLM distributors who are trying to build their businesses using purely offline tactics are struggling like never before.
Most network marketers WANT to embrace the Internet and learn how to use the Internet to help them grown their business, but they just don’t know how.
Some start by searching for leads, and they find all kinds of online systems that are supposedly selling qualified “mlm leads”, but when they actually spend money one them and try to follow up with them and convert them to customers or distributor, they are incredibly disappointed when most of those people don’t buy.
Buying MLM leads in most cases is just a waste of time.
Most of the companies selling these low-quality leads are selling junk. Half the people you’ll call on these lists will not even know how they got ON the list in the first place.
Some of them will yell at you and most of them are completely non-responsive.
In a recent blog post I wrote, I explain what I believe to be the best way to get MLM leads and that is by starting a Blog.
Today, I wanted to dive into this a bit more and give you three reasons why all distributors need a blog, and once you watch this video and realize how a Blog can help you grow your business, you’ll understand why I’m such a big advocate for blogging.
Most MLM companies nowadays offer their reps a pre-made replicated website.
However, what most reps don’t realize is that these sites are pretty much useless in terms of generating customers, or distributors for their business.
The reason why is because Google does NOT show duplicate content on their search engine, so if you are a distributor with a replicated website, your site looks exactly the same as 20,000 other sites out there, and Google will NOT send you any traffic.
Which basically means your website is pretty much invisible.
No wonder you’re not generating any customers or distributor with your online website – it’s invisible to the search engines!
Whereas if you setup your own Blog and start creating content, you will start to develop a following of prospects who may eventually become customers or distributors in your business.
If you’d like to get started and setup with your own Blog which can help you become a top producer in your MLM, click here to learn more.
That’s an excellent point ! Blogs are the best way to create attention and get ranked. Thanks for your insights
You’re welcome Cheryl. Thanks for popping by and leaving a comment.