One of the more common reasons that people say that they don’t want to start a Blog is because they say they don’t have the time.
We all have busy schedules and lives, and I totally understand the time commitment required to blog on a regular basis.
However, I often find that the very people who say that they don’t have time to Blog, are constantly posting and sharing pictures, videos, and writing multiple-paragraph posts on Facebook.
This is especially true for Lightworkers – people who have a desire to positively impact our planet.
Most Lightworkers I meet have a message inside them, and they desire to share that message with as many people as possible to impact their lives in a positive way.
A Blog is an awesome outlet for that with many benefits.
Most Lightworkers who don’t have a Blog though, will often put in a lot of time posting positive things on Facebook and sharing them with people.
They feel that deep desire to share and help people, and they try to use Facebook as a platform for that.
Here’s why that is NOT a good idea, and why starting a Blog is MUCH better.
#1 – Blog Posts Can Grab Attention Better
The truth is that when someone posts a paragraph or multiple-paragraphs of text on Facebook as their status update, trying to share a positive message with people, most people will simply ignore and scroll right past that status update.
People on Facebook are more and more becoming conditioned to just keep scrolling and scrolling and to quickly look at pictures, or perhaps a video that grabs their attention, but any amount of text beyond a few words usually gets ignored.
If you take your message and convert it into a Blog post (just like this one), and you share that blog post on Facebook, there is a much higher chance that someone on Facebook will actually read it because you can write a headline which grabs someone’s attention and include a picture as well.
Once someone reads the headline and sees the picture you posted with your Blog post, if they are interested in reading it, they will click through to you Blog and read the actual article ON your Blog where they are much less likely to get distracted by Facebook.
This means that the hard work you put into sharing your positive message is much more likely to be seen by your Facebook friends, simply by taking the content you were already going to be creating for Facebook and making a Blog post out of it.
#2 – Facebook Posts Have a VERY Short Lifespan
When you write a post on Facebook, not only is a very tiny percentage of your audience actually exposed to it, but also that message has a VERY short lifespan.
A Facebook message is usually posted, and shows up in some of your friend’s timelines, and sometimes just a few minutes later it disappears forever.
Of course people can go to your Facebook profile page and scroll through your posts to try to find an older post you posted, but very few people actually do that.
The majority of people on Facebook can barely keep up with their own Facebook wall, so they’ll usually never bother trying to dig through your posts to see if they find something interesting.
The truth is that once you post something on Facebook, it has a very short and limited lifespan, and then that message is gone.
Contrast that with writing a Blog post.
Once you write and publish a Blog post, which only takes a few extra minutes as compared to posting the same content on Facebook, that Blog post can live on the Internet forever!
For example, this Blog post and the hundreds of posts I’ve written on this Blog are indexed into the Google search engine and can potentially be found by people at any time, any day, anywhere in the world.
I have people visiting my Blog and reading Blog posts that I had written months or years ago.
Every Blog post that I write has the potential to positively influence someone at any time, anywhere in the world.
In fact, since there are a lot of Internet archives sites which store public date from the Internet, it’s entirely possible that people might still be reading my Blog posts hundreds of years from now.
Imagine writing a positive Blog posts and having your great, great, great, great grandchildren reading it a few hundred years from now.
How cool would it be if YOU could read stuff that was written a few hundred years ago by one of your ancestors?
That’s entirely possible with Blogging today, but I really doubt anything you write on Facebook will survive that long since it’s hard to even find something that was posted on Facebook a few days ago!
#3 – Blog Post are Indexed by Google and Searchable Beyond Your Friends List
When you write a Blog post, Google will index your Blog post and it’s possible for people all around the planet to find your content.
So if you share something positive, it’s possible for ANYONE on the planet to benefit from that message.
When you post a post on Facebook, only a small group of people are exposed that message for a short period of time and then it disappears.
As a Lightworker, any time and energy you put into sharing a positive message in a Blog post can help an exponentially higher number of people than posting the same message on Facebook.
As an example, here’s a map of the world showing which countries in the world have had people visit my Blog.
Any country in blue has had some visitors to my Blog. As you can see, besides a few countries I’ve had visitors from almost every country on the planet!
And this is just since the beginning of this year.
Your content simply won’t get that kind of exposure from your Facebook post updates unless you have a massive Fan page setup with tens of thousands of followers.
There are just a few of the reasons why Blogging is so much better than posting to your Facebook wall.
I’m not saying that every Facebook update post is worthy of a Blog post, but from what I’ve seen from people who are Lightworkers, a LOT of the stuff that they write on their wall could easily be turned into a Blog post with just a little bit more effort and produce a LOT more benefit for the world AND to the person writing the content.
If you’d like to get started as a Blogger using the ultra-easy and highly-effective blogging platform – Kalatu – click here to get started.
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